Thursday, November 19, 2015

Controlling LED

In this project we learned to read analog voltages from the arduino. We will learn how to set the brightness of a LED  based on the position of the potentiometer. A potentiometer is an adjustable resistor which consists of a wiper that slides across a resistive strip to deliver an increase or decrease in resistance. The level of resistance will determine output of current to the circuit.
Potentiometer. We will be using the following schematic Working from the top row of the Potentiometer :Potentiometer to breadboard. Make sure you have the breadboard oriented the right way with the - sign facing out. 
Steps we followed:
Connect the LED on the other side of the board (shorter side - ground on top) Connect wire from 1st pin on top of Potentiometer to ground rail. Connect 2nd pin of Potentiometer (3rd row from top) to Analog port 0. Connect 3rd pin of Potentiometer (5th from top) to power rail (+). Then connect ground rail on this row to Ground on Arduino. Connect Power rail on Breadboard to 5V port on Arduino

Image result for Controlling LED with Potentiometer
Image result for Controlling LED with Potentiometer

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