Monday, November 30, 2015

Writing Your Name

For this post, our task was to have our name appear with a 7 segment display. A seven-segment is a electronic piece used to display numbers. To make this happen, we had to use certain materials. We used the bread board, LED lights, about 5 receptors and a SSD. Then, we kept the top part of the program the same. After you begin the loop part. For the loop part, we then entered the a code. A R for Ruth and a N for Nelson then appeared. We not only had the ability to flash our names, but we could turn them off right after.

This was the code used below:

void loop() {
 digitalWrite(ledB, HIGH);     // draw a R
 digitalWrite(ledC, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(ledD, HIGH);

 delay(2000);                 // wait for 2 second
 digitalWrite(ledB, LOW);   
 digitalWrite(ledC, LOW);
 digitalWrite(ledD, LOW);   // turn off R
 digitalWrite(ledE, HIGH);   
 digitalWrite(ledF, HIGH);     // turn on N
 digitalWrite(ledA, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(ledB, HIGH);   
 digitalWrite(ledC, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(ledG, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(ledE, LOW);   
 digitalWrite(ledF, LOW);
 digitalWrite(ledA, LOW);     turn off N
 digitalWrite(ledB, LOW);   
 digitalWrite(ledC, LOW);
 digitalWrite(ledG, LOW);


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